- http://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1lnEHJtaqwEU1cWPytWoCH2CvHUUxu5jP
About Us
a premier, inclusive service-based leadership development organization
Alpha Phi Omega is the largest co-educational service organization at USC and in the nation, with strong foundations in volunteerism and philanthropy. With over 400,000 members and 375 chapters in the United States and various international locations, each chapter thrives on Alpha Phi Omega's three cardinal principles: Leadership, Friendship, and Service.
The Alpha Kappa chapter of APO was founded in 1934 at the University of Southern California. Our members are some of the most diverse and involved student leaders on campus: men and women; undergrad and graduate students; business, pre-med, engineering, and many other majors.
Our purpose is to provide growth and understanding of the three cardinal principles: to develop leadership, to promote friendship, and to provide service to humanity. While all of us come from different backgrounds, we are united by our genuine love for community service and for each other.
From executive board positions, campus outreach to natural representation, the opportunities for leadership development with APO are plentiful.
We believe that connecting and communicating with others through service creates strong, long-lasting friendships.
Our dedicated volunteers and comprehensive service program set us apart from all other service organizations on campus.
Join Us
Recruitment for Spring 2024 starts NOW!
The process of joining Alpha Phi Omega works to create an environment that fosters a passion for service, cohesiveness, and encourages the new members to take on various leadership roles. By providing ample opportunities that center around Leadership, Friendship, and Service, new members can continually develop in these three principles both during and beyond their time at USC.
Are You Ready To Jump Into Service?
in collaboration with other organizations
Through participating in weekly service, fellowship, and membership events, all members of Alpha Phi Omega strengthen their commitment to the three cardinal principles. While our organization completes an average of 6,500 service hours per semester, the true measure of success is not just a number. Members develop strong connections with the people and communities they serve.
Click the images below for more information on service events that we hold in collaboration with other organizations!.
through dedication to the community
Through participating in weekly philanthropy events that APO organizes within itself, all members of Alpha Phi Omega strengthen their commitment to the three cardinal principles. weekly service, fellowship, and membership events, all members of Alpha Phi Omega strengthen their commitment to the three cardinal principles. Throug our philanthropy events, APO directly supports the community and those in need.
Click the images below for more information on philanthropy events that we host on our own!.